This is also a way to journal how he eats right now presently in his life...our prayer is that he will chow down on waffles like the rest of us, but until he has that ability, we are so thankful for his feeding pump, which can be unattached from the pole and brought with him everywhere, it has a ice pack tucked inside it to keep it cool and fresh...I call it his "friend".... :)
Here is a picture of everything Ezzy eats all day long.
Here is a picture of his morning nutrients and vitamins added to his PediaSure formula.
Here I am priming his feeding pump, which means getting it ready :) Doesn't he look ready to eat?
Here I am opening a new syringe, (love new ones :)I get new syringes, feeding tube,and new feeding bags once a month) to draw out his morning medicines. He gets the same ones at night too.
Giving him his meds.
Feeding pump going, dry diaper, all tucked in, music on...ready to rest and eat while the loud crazy kids are eating in the kitchen :) He joins us during meals, but for breakfast, we keep it low key for him...until little brother starts climbing up his railings to visit him...Owen is still too short, but sure does try :) I find the girls in there with him, reading to him and re-arranging his bed...Ellie tells me, so there is more room :)