Thursday, July 27, 2006

Home sweet home.....

As I write this, Ezzy is "snug as a bug in a rug" :). After a very long day of traveling we are all glad to be home. The surgery went EXCELLENT! Thank you to all who were praying for our little man. Though this procedure is very quick and a very simple one, any surgery with Ezra seems to have the risk of turning into a serious situation. We PRAISE God that the whole surgery went well with no complications. When the doctors put the mask on him to "put him to sleep", his heartrate did drop, which they quickly responded with putting in an IV, but they did not have to give him any further meds., he calmed down and the rest of the procedure went great! Thank you again for praying....I know many of you were!
We will keep you posted on how he continues to heal up and experience a clearer world of sounds around him. The doctor did say that there wasn't that much fluid in his ear, which early this year they had found more, so as of today, there was not that much to drain. He said that made it easy to put the tubes in his ears and the tubes will continue to drain any fluid that may build up, such as it had down earlier this year. We were thankful that he did not have any infections in his inner ear and that now the tubes will start to help keep the canal open and ready to receive sounds.
Ezzy does already seem to "jump" more to sounds....the biggest jumps have come from his sisters happy to see him! He still is kinda resting up from having a long day; so we will see what the future holds for him. He will have another hearing test to see if the tubes will enable him to hear better, or if we need to do more for Ezzy to have the best hearing possible.
THANK YOU again for praying!
Love ya,
The Bunch :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

I am so moved and so touched by little Ezra. He knows what he's doing! He's showing us all who God is. I have so much to go read now. I found your blog through Amanda and am so so glad I did. Your family is just adorable as can be. I will be praying for stamina for you during your last trimester and for Ezra to hang in there with those casts. Sign my love on it from me! Ok - back to reading (and praying!)
Kate :)